I build beautiful
websites & apps

Work with meLearn more
Hand holding iphone
Innocence Project Logo
Sanofi Logo
Kura Oncology Logo
TEN7 Logo
AxonBytes Logo
Byer Co Logo
Temerity Studios Logo
Josh Cesana headshot

About Me

I have over 5 years of industry experience, and have worked in a variety of industries, including IoT (Internet of Things), medical, podcast, agencies, and more.

I have extensive experience with React, Nextjs, Tailwind, HTML, CSS, Javascript, and more.

Services include:







Recent Projects

Innocence Project screenshot

Innocence Project History

I had the pleasure of building the history timeline for the Innocence Project. Beautifully designed by Rally and working in cooperation with TEN7, I built this project using the static site generator Jekyll.

TEN7 Contractor's Guide

TEN7 brought me this designed contractor's guide to build for them to use with their hired developers. The content is easily controlled using markdown files, allowing them to seamlessly keep this guide up to date. This project was also built using Jekyll.

Innocence Project screenshot


  1. Axon[Bytes]

    Contract React Developer

    React, Angular, HTML, CSS, Javascript

    March 2022 - Present

    Provide on-demand React & Angular development services to fill the needs in a wide variety of projects across multiple industries.

  2. Byer Co

    Contract React Developer

    React, Nextjs, HTML, CSS, Javascript

    March 2022 - Present

    Provide on-demand React & Nextjs development services to help with a variety of projects in a variety of industries.

  3. Vyral Marketing

    Contract Frontend Developer

    Jekyll, HTML, CSS, Javascript

    Dec 2022 - Present

    Create and optimize Jekyll template and integrate with CloudCannon. Enable team to build, maintain, and optimize websites for clients.

  4. TEN7

    Contract Frontend Developer

    Jekyll, HTML, CSS, Javascript

    Dec 2021 - Present

    Provide front-end development services for a variety of projects, including building numerous maintainable internal company websites and a beautiful timeline page for the well-known Innocence Project.

  5. Temerity Studios

    Contract React Developer

    React, Nextjs, HTML, CSS, Javascript

    Jan 2022 - May 2022

    Provide on-demand React & Nextjs devlopment services to help with a large online documentation project.

  6. IBIS

    UI/Frontend Developer

    Vue, Sencha, HTML, CSS, Javascript

    Mar 2019 - Mar 2022

    Contribute to large HTML/Javascript conversion project. Build and maintain web applications using Vue and Sencha (batteries included Javascript framework). Work with various APIs to ensure proper delivery of relevant information.


Ivan Stegic headshot

Ivan Stegic


"We hired Josh to help us build a number of Jekyll based static sites using various Figma designs. He was in constant contact, very responsive, and not afraid to ask clarifying questions. He built exactly what we envisioned and solved all issues he encountered with ease. Josh even suggested a method to keep our projects in sync, which was extremely useful."

Sergey Gutkin headshot

Sergey Gutkin

Executive Vice President of IBIS

"Josh is passionate and thorough with his work, with an excellent eye for detail and user interaction. His eye for design, combined with his ability to build and process code logic, made him a valuable team member for our project."

Eugene Gutkin headshot

Eugene Gutkin


"Josh is reliable, creative engineer, always looking for new technology to learn. Great asset for Smart Building Front-end development team."

Mark Waterous headshot

Mark Waterous

Owner of Temerity Studios

"Josh did a great job of helping out on this project. I was busy on other projects so other than assigning the tasks and some help with direction, Josh worked independently and accomplished all tasks as outlined."


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